Betsy Lautman
Apr 12, 1964 - Apr 02, 2024This memorial was created with love by:
Place of birth: Los Angeles
My Tribute to our TREASURE!!
Thank you ALL for your supportive calls and cards, as you came from near and far to honor, respect, and love Betsy’s memory and who she was!
With a calmness to her demeanor and an understanding in her heart, Betsy came into our lives when our lives were dark, we were suffering, and we were empty after the sudden and tragic loss of Louise! Betsy never pushed! She lovingly, over time, illuminated our lives with precious love, light, and laughter! She became our family, and we became hers! Her love made us “whole”! Years passed and bonds strengthened! Our relationship grew as our circle of family and friends also grew.
Betsy was warm, and compassionate, light-hearted, a little stubborn and very bright! She was a very accomplished therapist! She loved her practice and the opportunity to positively influence the lives of EVERYONE who sought her counsel (and even those that didn’t!). Her insight into the human condition and the challenges people encountered were met with empathy, direction and clinical insight. She knew just WHAT to say and WHEN to say it!
Betsy was SO GENEROUS with her time, her emotions, and her resources. She was always caring for those less fortunate, always lending a helping hand, an inquisitive ear and an open heart!
Betsy absolutely LOVED CHILDREN! She had a unique ability of relating to them (which made her a very special therapist). She would always kneel and converse on THEIR level. Listening intently and skillfully coaxing a complete conversation from and with them! Although never blessed with children of her own, she mothered ALL of “OUR “children, emotionally, spiritually and in a loving and supportive manner, unconditionally and completely!
Betsy was by far the BEST MOTHER to Harper Lee Lautman, the dog she says “rescued” her and was her fury Love, companion and “daughter”!
Betsy was humorous and light-hearted, as she often danced through the house, singing, lip-syncing, laughing and maybe sipping a little Tequila! She had a playful and fun essence!
She relished being amongst family and friends, as her relationships were her most cherished “possession”! I know we ALL enjoyed being in her presence as she made us feel comfortable, considered, care-for, and LOVED! Betsy had SO MANY friends because of who she was and what she stood for.
She was loving, smart, compassionate, funny, astute, selfless, considerate, helpful, caring, inquisitive, motivated and fun-loving with EVERYONE regardless of how SHE was feeling and the adversity she was so courageously facing!
We lived, laughed and LOVED!! We cherished each other, and our time together! The “UPs and DOWNs”! The “CELEBRATIONS and the ADVERSITIES”! We loved being “US!” Betsy was an AMAZING lady with an outer beauty surpassed only by her inner essence and compassion for those she loved! We will miss her beautiful smile, her ebullient and upbeat ways, and her comforting soul!
I will never say GOODBYE Betsy, I will only say THANK YOU for enriching our lives and walking through this journey of life with us!!
I Love you Baby-Girl! M & B!
Love Always!
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